

时间:2023-06-07 219



初遇 新朋友……新朋友……新投资者……新朋友!

New friends ... new friends ... new investor ... new friend!

箱中气候 外出取消?!我正在兴头上!该死……你们这儿就没间像样的封闭性训练场吗?!

Outing canceled?! I'm just getting exited! Damn ... Not even a decent enclosed training field here?!




I have to say thank you to the "storm."Without it,those old fogies would have never given me the green light for research and so much funding.

孑立 哦——这儿没有其他人了?很好,现在这儿是我的了。

Oh ... No one else's here? Great,I own the place now.

问候 嗯,嗯……?哦,只是——晕过去了。你来得正好,拿着桌子上的那个本子,我说你记……

Hmm, hmm...? Oh,I just ... passed out. Nice to see you here. Take the notebook on the desk and write down what I say...

朝晨 这片面包是我的了,你自己再做一份吧。

The bread is mine now. Make yourself another one.



拿着, 这是最新神秘生物学日报,瞧瞧上面的人是如何吹捧我的, 然后好好学一学。

Here, take the latest Arcane Biology Daily.Now see how they praise me and learn carefully.

夜暮 接下来,我会在这里高歌一曲。各位亲爱的朋友,和自己的睡眠说再见吧。

Next,I'll sing a song here. My dear friends,say goodbye to your sleep.



只剩我和你了?很好!让我们谁也不要打扰谁, 对坐到天亮吧!理想的陪伴莫过如此。

Just you and I? Great!Leave me alone and I will,too. Let's sit across each other until dawn! That's the best companionship.

帽檐与发鬓 这个?它还不错,咬起来又韧又——这是你的帽子?

This? Not bad. It's tough to bite and... This is your hat?

袖与手 别总盯着推荐剂量瞻前顾后的,好的实验效果需要大胆尝试。我的建议是:直接拉满。

Don't restrict yourself to the suggested amoount. An effective trail needs bold attempts. So,I will say:full dose!

衣着与身形 嘶……哈……第十分钟后……锁骨中线第……四肋间,间歇性……刺痛……

Hiss ... Hah... After ten minutes ... the mid clavicle ... the fourthe rib,remittent ... pain...

闲谈Ⅰ 家人……?哦!亲本!你要是早说这个我就懂了。我只是缺少生殖系统,又不是石头里钻出来的神子,我当然也有家人,有妈妈,也有爸爸。

Family...? Oh! Parents! If you had said this earlier,I would have understood. I just don't have any reproductive organs. It's not like I'm born from stone. Of course I have a famliy,a mother and a father.

闲谈Ⅱ 说真的,你们究竟有多执着————称呼那玩意儿我压根不在乎。她他它,随便你们……嗯……罗非昔布和普瑞巴林————这两个代称你选一个?

Seriously,how obsessive are you guys ... The pronoun thing. I don't give a damn. She,he,they,whatever you like... Hmm ... Well,if you had to choose,rofecoxib and pregablin,which do you prefer?



入队 我?是其他人都死了吗?

Me?Is everyone else dead?

战前 让我们一起打发时间吧。

Let's kill time together.

择选咒语Ⅰ 消毒。


择选咒语Ⅱ 戴好手套。

Wear gloves.

择选高阶咒语 蠢蛋的价值最大化。

Maximize the value of dumbasses.

择选至终的仪式 我准备好了。

I am ready.

释放神秘术Ⅰ 哦,嗨?

Oh. Hi?


Get out of here.

释放神秘术Ⅱ 该死的蠢货……

Freaking dumbass...


I'm losing my patience.

召唤至终的仪式 去吧,去吧!去吧!小狗们!

Go,go! Go for it! Puppies!

受敌Ⅰ 烂脚趾的!

Rotten toes!

受敌Ⅱ 嗷!!


战斗胜利 啊?已经结束了?

Huh?It's already over?




Thank you very much. How about increasing the research funding by tw-.. fifty percent?


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